Climate of Zambia
The average annual temperature in Zambia is 21.4 °C. The average annual rainfall in Zambia is 1020 mm/year. Zambia emits 0.2 metric tons per capita of CO₂.
Climate of Zambia
The average annual temperature in Zambia is 21.4 °C. The average annual rainfall in Zambia is 1020 mm/year. Zambia emits 0.2 metric tons per capita of CO₂.
Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies
A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed as a medium of exchange. It uses cryptography to secure transactions as well as to control the creation of additional currency units. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies, a subset of alternative currencies. The most popular cryptocurrency is bitcoin, and since it was invented the various new cryptocurrencies that have been created are frequently called altcoins, as shorthand for bitcoin alternative.
Tax solutions
In this section you may find more details about our package offer services, involving tax planning and corporate structure solutions. The most popular trading scenario involving companies registered in the EU is the VAT triangulation scheme. Triangulation rules were specially devised in order to simplify cross-border trading, so that EU companies wouldn’t have to register for a VAT number in each EU member state to which they deliver goods. Another common practice is to establish trusts in tax haven jurisdictions.
Offshore company incorporation
An offshore corporation is usually referred to as a corporation incorporated for the purpose of operating outside of the country of its registration. This means that such a company can be registered and operated outside the national borders of a person or company. This can be particularly worthwhile when it comes to legal, financial or tax advantages. Also, a company can legally relocate abroad to enjoy relaxed regulations or, in other words, take advantage of international laws.
Major industries in the country are construction, brewing, cement and other construction materials, sugar milling. The total labor force of Panama is 1,992,360 people, wherein 5.6% of population in the country are unemployed. The total number of unemployed people in Panama is 233,107.