Steps for making Toshiba air fryer zucchini

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Ingredients for Toshiba air fryer zucchini

Zucchini pieces

Olive oil spoon

Salt gram

Black Pepper Spoon

Ingredients for Toshiba air fryer zucchini

Zucchini pieces

Olive oil spoon

Salt gram

Black Pepper Spoon


Steps for making Toshiba air fryer zucchini

Step 1




Step 2


Clean and cut long strips of zucchini


Step 3


Cut into small pieces with an oblique knife, sprinkle with Shanghai salt and black pepper, mix with olive oil, Toshiba air fryer, preheat at 200 ℃ for 5 minutes, and grill zucchini for 15 minutes. Stir slightly in the middle


Step 4


After roasting the zucchini, it is full of water and crispy, accompanied by the aroma of black pepper. Each bite is really beautiful
