MVNO, MVNA, MVNE: The backbone of the telecom Industry

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All businesses are centred on providing excellent customer service to existing clients; otherwise, there would be no business. However, how do you guarantee that customer needs and demands are being met when the customer base is dynamic and constantly changing, as is the case for the telecommunications industry?

Companies that offer consumers various communication services, such as telephone, internet, and television, are referred to as telecom operators or telecommunications service providers. Usually, a network of infrastructure, such as telephone lines, fibre optic cables, and satellite systems, is used to deliver these services.

The infrastructure and support needed for MVNO operations are often provided by MNOs and/or MVNEs. They also rely on the connections between these various telecom providers, a crucial component of the telecom sector.

MVNEs, MVNAs, and MVNOs can use a variety of telecom operator types as their network provider, including:

  • Current business owners: These are the classic telecom service providers, many of whom have a long track record and a sizable client base. They might be privately or state-owned.

  • Multiple operators. These firms are relatively recent entrants to the telecom sector and frequently provide more specialised or cutting-edge services. They could be smaller than the established operators.

  • Mobile network providers (MNOs). Customers can obtain voice and data services from these operators, who own and manage their mobile networks. Also, they can rent out space to MVNOs.

The Distinction between MVNO, MVNE, MVNA, and MNO

MNOs and MVNOs offer services to customers directly. Although one controls the network and the other merely resell space, both are the ones dealing with clients. Services are offered to MNOs and MVNOs by MVNEs and MVNAs. An MVNA and MVNE are fundamentally different from one another in that one offers infrastructure while the other essentially serves as a mediator between the MNO and MVNO.

The chain of services looks like this:

  • An MNO offers a network and services to customers.

  • An MVNA gets network access.

  • An MVNO purchases network access from an MVNA or an MNO and then offers services to customers.

  • To provide infrastructure services, an MVNO contracts an MVNE.

MNOs are established mobile service providers who run their networks. Mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) rent space on MNO networks rather than owning or operating their networks. Mobile virtual network enablers (MVNEs) give MVNOs access to infrastructure and back-end services. Mobile virtual network aggregators, or MVNAs, serve as central contact points for several MVNOs.


The rate of change in the telecommunications sector is extraordinary, with hundreds of new business models and use cases appearing annually. So, it could be helpful to offer a brief primer to assist you to understand the various terminologies, such as MNO, MVNO, MVNE, and MVNA.

The MVNE can be configured to be light, thick, or full, having less or more functionality than an MVN. The most complex arrangement, the complete MVNO offers the best flexibility and control for the various MVNO kinds. It would be a good idea to begin as a small, light MVNO and then grow as your subscriber and client base expand.

About OCS

OCS, a seasoned vendor, offers Communications Platforms as Service solutions. We give early-stage innovators, developers, IoT (Internet of Things) service providers, enterprises, communications service providers, internet service providers, mobile operators, full MVNOs, light MVNOs, and providers of telecommunications infrastructure the freedom and control to develop, deliver, and scale innovative communications experiences.
