Classification of the Glasses Industry

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The competition and development of China's eyewear industry have formed major production bases in Shenzhen, Dongguan in Guangdong, Xiamen in Fujian, Wenzhou in Zhejiang, Danyang in Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Beijing. This marks China as an important production base for glasses in the wor

  1. Classified by category: sunglasses, frames, lenses, contact lenses, and accessories, accessories, and other categories.

2、 Layout of eyewear production areas and wholesale markets:

The competition and development of China's eyewear industry have formed major production bases in Shenzhen, Dongguan in Guangdong, Xiamen in Fujian, Wenzhou in Zhejiang, Danyang in Jiangsu, Shanghai, and Beijing. This marks China as an important production base for glasses in the world. Our glasses enterprises are mainly distributed in East China; From the perspective of enterprise nature, foreign and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan invested enterprises account for the largest proportion, followed by joint-stock enterprises. There are many small enterprises in China's eyewear industry, with fewer large and medium-sized enterprises, and most of them are foreign-invested enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-invested enterprises, or joint-stock enterprises. In addition to practical functions, glasses are also endowed with decorative functions, which further promotes new business opportunities in the Chinese glasses market. In recent years, the overall trend is that the market will become more open, competition will become more intense, and opportunities and challenges coexist.

Danyang, Jiangsu: The Danyang glasses market is the largest in China, integrating production, wholesale, and retail. It has a production base for Danyang glasses, mainly producing mid to low-price frames and well-known domestic brand lenses. (such as Wanxin, Mingyue, etc.)

Xiamen, Fujian: Mainly engaged in the production of mid to high-end sunglasses (such as Tyrannosaurus Rex, Mosen, and Baozi), as well as a small number of mirror frame categories.

Shenzhen: There are many production factories mainly engaged in the production of mirror frames, producing mid to high-end mirror frames. Their production and processing techniques are superior to those of other regions, and brand frames are processed more frequently, resulting in higher costs.

Beijing: Beijing International Glasses City mainly focuses on retail and wholesale, and is the distribution and wholesale center for glasses. It is the second largest domestic glasses market after the Danyang glasses market.

3、 Market situation of the glasses industry:

  1. The scale and influence of nationally and regionally renowned eyewear retail enterprises have reached a considerable level and are continuing to expand. The number of retail eyewear stores has increased significantly, but the Lebensraum of most small or unknown eyewear stores has been greatly compressed.

At present, brand chain operation and scale expansion are still hot topics in the development of modern commercial retail formats. But it should be pointed out that brands require unique and rich content to support them. China has a vast territory and significant regional differences, so it is difficult for service brands to have a greater impact. And without significant personality and meaningful innovation, this influence is also difficult to sustain. On the other hand, eyewear products are not ordinary retail goods after all. They belong to medical devices and require more, better, and more professional sales services. And this is what these eyewear retail giants currently lack the most.
