The Depth Of Glasses Lenses Worn Should Be Based On Proximity Rather Than Age

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At present, the method for correcting presbyopia is still to wear reading glasses and use the power of convex lenses to replace adjustment, thereby moving the near point within the distance of habitual work.

At present, the method for correcting presbyopia is still to wear reading glasses and use the power of convex lenses to replace adjustment, thereby moving the near point within the distance of habitual work.


The correction of presbyopia must be based on everyone's regulatory power. At any age, there are significant individual differences in the range of adjustment, so each patient needs to measure the proximal points of their eyes separately. The depth of the lenses worn should be based on proximity rather than age.


For general close-range assignments, it is not common to use a reading distance of 25cm. The most commonly used close range is about 30cm, and the working distance for learning and other tasks is generally even longer. The prescription glasses and lenses provided for these cases can have a lower degree.


Because the adjustment occurs simultaneously, in order to achieve good vision and feel comfortable, it is also required to lower the degree of the lens. People with presbyopia can only solve very small adjustments for themselves, but the effort spent by their Ciliary muscles is almost the same as that used by young people with a greater degree of adjustment.


If the available adjustment is replaced too much by the lens, or the strength of the lens is too strong, the relationship mentioned above will be destroyed, which may also be an important reason for Eye strain and discomfort after the presbyopia is equipped with glasses.
