What are the disadvantages of expired liquid foundations in a beauty supply store near me?

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Liquid foundation in a beauty supply store near me is a foundation product that can adjust skin color and cover defects.

Like other cosmetics, liquid foundation will add some bioactive ingredients. If it is exposed to the air for a long time, after high temperature, sunshine, and light, it is easy to produce chemical changes, produce some products harmful to the skin, or active ingredients will be volatilized. The active ingredients and nutritional ingredients of a liquid foundation in the beauty supply store near me gradually decrease in the use process, which may cause potential harm to the skin. The moisture and its combination degree will change when applied to the skin, and the efficacy will be greatly reduced.
Liquid foundation in a beauty supply store near me is a foundation product that can adjust skin color and cover defects. It has no other maintenance effect on the skin, only has a certain decorative effect. Even if the liquid foundation is not expired, the chemicals contained in it will also cause some damage to the skin. Once the shelf life is over, the damage to the skin caused by chemicals in the liquid foundation will be magnified.
The damage of expired liquid foundation to the skin not only affects the makeup, but also blocks the pores, damages the skin's epidermal cells, and makes it easy to produce acne, acne, and even allergies.
How to keep a liquid foundation in a beauty supply store near me after opening?
1. Liquid foundation in a beauty supply store near me should focus on its cleanliness. After each use, be sure to clean the cotton puff stained with foundation makeup to avoid bringing bacteria into the liquid foundation. At the same time, be careful not to accumulate foundation make-up at the bottle mouth. The quality of foundation make-up will also be affected after a long time.
2. Generally, cosmetics in a beauty supply store near me are prone to spoilage when the temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius so please keep the cosmetics in a cool place or the refrigerator when not in use in summer. If left in the car, even if it is through the glass, it can cause chemical reactions in the cosmetics if exposed to sunlight.
3. If cosmetics are used very slowly or economically, you can prepare some small bottles to repack liquid foundation. Fill enough make-up 3-4 times each time, wipe the bottle mouth of foundation make-up, and beauty supply store near me in a box in the shade. The fewer times you open the bottle, the slower the water in the foundation make-up disperses, and the lower the index of bacterial pollution.
4. When using without a subpackage, pay attention to tightening the cover of liquid foundation in a beauty supply store near me, because liquid foundation itself contains certain moisture, and if it is not used for a long time, it will easily lead to volatilization of moisture, affecting the makeup effect.
