Comedy movie news about Monkey Business

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The comedy movie tells a series of stories triggered by the leak of the formula of chemist Fulton Professor Rapamycin.

"Monkey Business" is a science fiction comedy movie directed by Howard Hawks and starring Cary Grant, Ginger Rogers, Charles Coburn, Marilyn Monroe, etc.
The story of the comedy movie describes the chemist Professor Fulton who is keen to use orangutans to test Rapamycin, a drug that can help people return to their youthful state. Unexpectedly, one of the orangutans who escaped from the cage mixed several chemical elements and made a potion for spring love. Fulton drank a little potion without knowing it, and his behavior suddenly became an active young man. He took the visiting female secretary, Louise, to swim, skate, and have a lot of fun. Fulton's Mrs. Ivana was originally a mature woman. After drinking the potion, she was eager to take her husband on a second honeymoon, but at this time, the medicinal power in Fulton's body had faded, and she was no longer able to lift her. This kind of plot is repeated several times in a roundabout way, which clearly shows that people should be more mature and not have to reluctantly capture the theme of youth.
Barnaby Fulton of the comedy movie is a research chemist working on a fountain of youth pill for a chemical company. While trying a sample dose on himself, he accidentally gets a dose of a mixture added to the water cooler and believes his potion is what is working. The mixture temporarily causes him to feel and act like a teenager, including correcting his vision. When his wife gets an even larger dose, she regresses even further into her childhood. When an old boyfriend meets her in this state, he believes that her never wanting to see him again means a divorce and a chance for him.
"Monkey Business" is all but forgotten today even though its cast includes many of the best actors around at the time. The only element that keeps it from being swept under the rug is the significant appearance of sex goddess Marilyn Monroe who was beginning to show the world that she was more than just a sex kitten. Though Hawks focuses on that aspect of her persona, she can rise above it with her immense comedic talents. Perhaps another reason for this comedy movie's obscurity is the title since one of the great Marx Brothers films is also called "Monkey Business."
