An excellent chemical supplier should be

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Ok, based on my experience and that of readers, here is a list of good companies and not-so-good companies. I also have some personal communications which I have added to the dataset. This post will be updated as more reports come in, so it can be used

Cleaning chemical delivery is more important than ever as surface particles become especially detrimental to logic devices as circuit line widths shrink and process nodes approach the 10nm level. To achieve optimal wafer yield and reliability, equipment manufacturers are increasingly pressuring chemical suppliers to deliver higher levels of purity, soon to parts per quadrillion (ppq), and to avoid Contaminants are introduced during product packaging, transportation and distribution.
Update March 19th: I've added more chemical suppliers to the list and made a third category in response to mixed reviews. For her and the company's sake, I hope this is someone impersonating her because whoever leaves these comments is doing 3B no good.
Since I'm reporting my own and the views of other contributors, I have no reason to doubt, and doing so without malice, I will happily ignore all legal threats.
Ok, based on my experience and that of readers, here is a list of good companies and not-so-good companies. I also have some personal communications which I have added to the dataset. This post will be updated as more reports come in, so it can be used as a reference.
I should point out up front that I won't be listing the big ones because (although they may have their ups and downs), you usually know they're going to send you something. What we are looking for are companies that you may not have dealt with but want to know if they are reliable. Which brings us to:
An excellent chemical supplier should be:
Good price and order hit rate. very professional.
Expensive, but you get what you can get, and the right stuff.
Not cheap, but very reliable and willing to work with customers to provide similar compounds.
Advanced Chemical Technology: Recommended for peptide/amino acid substances.
Several good reports on availability and purity.
Ordered one thing from them and it was fine.
Good report on reliability
Good stuff, but the catalog needs to be more in line with their actual stock.
Very expensive, but has everything you need.
reported good experience
Interesting catalog that won't give you backorders.
The catalog is huge, but it's all real. Occasional purity issues arise.
Availability hit rate is high. Some questions about its chiral purity.
A good list of useful intermediates can provide them.
There are occasional purity issues, but they do deliver.
Great source of boric acid etc.
Good experience with compound purity.
Good source of custom peptides.
Interesting catalog and they actually send it to you.
Soon to be one of the big names. Very reliable.
Good report on reliability.
Custom synthesized, but (this time!) with good turnover and purity.
Good price and reliability.
Peptide Protein Research: Suitable for custom peptides.
Intermediate stocks are adequate.
Reliable and the only option for many of the strange reagents in town.
Known for high quality inorganic and organometallics.

Proven experience in pricing and availability
Cleaning chemical delivery is more important than ever as surface particles become especially detrimental to logic devices as circuit line widths shrink and process nodes approach the 10nm level. To achieve optimal wafer yield and reliability, equipment manufacturers are increasingly pressuring chemical suppliers to deliver higher levels of purity, soon to parts per quadrillion (ppq), and to avoid Contaminants are introduced during product packaging, transportation and distribution.
Update March 19th: I've added more chemical suppliers to the list and made a third category in response to mixed reviews. For her and the company's sake, I hope this is someone impersonating her because whoever leaves these comments is doing 3B no good.
Since I'm reporting my own and the views of other contributors, I have no reason to doubt, and doing so without malice, I will happily ignore all legal threats.
Ok, based on my experience and that of readers, here is a list of good companies and not-so-good companies. I also have some personal communications which I have added to the dataset. This post will be updated as more reports come in, so it can be used
