ECHEMI is the world's leading digital

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Different from the previous weekly price column, the latest data platform not only broadens the product classification, but also provides more detailed and timely dynamic analysis for each subdivided product.

Founded in 2007, ECHEMI Group is headquartered in Hong Kong, China, with branches in Shanghai, Qingdao, Hangzhou, the United States, the Netherlands, Germany, and Pakistan, and warehouses in the Netherlands, California, and New Jersey. ECHEMI's overall sales in 2021 will reach USD 300 million, ranking 55th in the 2021 ICIS Top 100 Chemical Distributors. The Food and Nutrition Division mainly provides amino acids, vitamins, was officially launched in October 2015, aiming to provide better products and services. ECHEMI is the world's leading digital cross-border chemical B2B platform, which aims to help platform buyers analyze the market, purchase high-quality chemicals, and assist platform suppliers to promote their superior products.
Find the latest market data for fine chemicals in China from Echemi's Market Price Insight
Echemi's carefully prepared China chemical industry-wide data platform - Market Price Insight:, has finally launched recently.
Echemi's carefully prepared China chemical industry-wide data platform - Market Price Insight:, has finally launched recently. Different from the previous weekly price column, the latest data platform not only broadens the product classification, but also provides more detailed and timely dynamic analysis for each subdivided product. This is a solid step taken by Echemi on the road of combining traditional chemical industry with digitalization.

Echemi's new online chemical data service covers more than 200 products in 28 categories. Committed to real-time monitoring of factory data, insight into market changes, and assisting chemical companies to make intelligent and efficient decisions. The easiest and fastest way to help you use massive data to make efficient decisions and grasp more dynamic trends of China's chemical industry. Today, industries of all kinds are discovering the enormous value of instant messaging. Most successful and smooth transactions are inseparable from the matching of previous information, and the same is true for the chemical industry. Echemi Market Price Insight provides acrylic acid and its esters, acetic acid and its downstream, phenol ketone and its downstream, ethylene oxide and its downstream, polyurethane, coating raw materials, API, etc. price, supply and demand, inventory, equipment and other data. In addition to daily real-time updates, it also includes weekly and monthly comprehensive user analysis reports. Echemi believes that this platform will provide users with rich and diverse forms of information, so as to realize the benign decision-making of enterprises and promote high-quality orders.

The previous version's weekly price section was only for prices and price fluctuations of some popular chemical products. However, feedback from multiple parties showed that it failed to meet the diverse information needs of some users. Therefore, from the initial stage of updating the new data section, the Echemi team has analyzed and customized the needs of various users, striving to combine the actual situation of China's chemical industry on the basis of the original data service, thereby upgrading the market price and market price. Insight emerges. The new data realizes the comprehensiveness of products, the diversification of information, and the timeliness of updates.
