Best Eye Hospital: Providing Excellence in Eye Care

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Explore the best eye care options at Netradeep Eye Hospital, where we prioritize patient care and employ cutting-edge technologies. Learn about cataract surgery, refractive surgery, and Lasik surgery. Schedule appointments online or call us for expert advice and compassionate care.


Welcome to Netradeep Eye Hospital, a beacon of excellence in the field of ophthalmology. Founded by visionary Dr. V. V. Sapovadia, our hospital has set new benchmarks in patient care and technological advancements. With a legacy that spans over three decades, we have become a trusted name for patients seeking top-tier eye care solutions. Our commitment to quality, innovation, and compassionate service has led us to serve patients from across 23 countries, including India, the United States, Canada, Australia, and more.

Best Eye Hospital: A Legacy of Innovation and Trust

Incorporating Advanced Technologies for Optimal Patient Care

At Netradeep Eye Hospital, we are dedicated to providing the best patient care and embracing cutting-edge technologies in ophthalmology. Our founder, Dr. V. V. Sapovadia, was a pioneer in Laser Vision Correction and Cataract Surgery in Gujarat. In 1987, he established the foundation of Netradeep Eye Hospital in Upleta, Gujarat, with a vision to create a center of excellence that patients and families could trust wholeheartedly.

Our commitment to advanced technology is a reflection of Dr. Sapovadia's passion and expertise. We continually strive to enhance our services through innovative approaches, ensuring our patients receive the highest standard of care.

Global Trust and Recognition

The overwhelming response and support from our patients have cemented our reputation as a trusted eye care institution. Patients from 23 different countries, spanning continents like Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa, trust us with their vision. This global recognition is a testament to our dedication and ability to deliver exceptional eye care solutions.

Multiple Convenient Locations

Understanding the importance of accessibility, we have expanded our reach to better serve our patients. Currently, we have four conveniently located branches to ensure that high-quality eye care is accessible to all.

Cataract Surgery: Restoring Clarity and Vision

Cataracts can cloud your vision, hindering your daily activities and quality of life. Our experienced ophthalmologists specialize in cataract surgery, a safe and effective procedure that replaces the clouded lens with a clear artificial lens, restoring your vision and improving your overall well-being.

Personalized Treatment Plans

Each patient is unique, and so are their eye care needs. Our ophthalmologists carefully assess your condition and develop personalized treatment plans that cater to your specific requirements. This tailored approach ensures optimal outcomes and patient satisfaction.

State-of-the-Art Technology

We utilize state-of-the-art technology and techniques to perform cataract surgery with precision and minimal discomfort. Our commitment to innovation allows us to offer the latest advancements in intraocular lenses, enhancing your visual outcome.

Rapid Recovery and Lasting Results

Our advanced surgical techniques contribute to quicker recovery times, enabling you to resume your daily activities sooner. With proper post-operative care, the results of cataract surgery are long-lasting, providing you with clear and improved vision for years to come.

Refractive Surgery: Transforming Lives Through Vision Correction

Gone are the days of relying solely on glasses and contact lenses for clear vision. Refractive surgery offers a life-changing solution for those seeking freedom from visual aids.

Laser Vision Correction: A Revolutionary Approach

Laser vision correction is a revolutionary procedure that reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. This minimally invasive procedure is highly effective and offers rapid recovery.

Customized Treatment for Optimal Results

Our skilled ophthalmologists use advanced diagnostic tools to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique eye structure and visual needs. This customization ensures that you achieve the best possible visual outcome.

Enhanced Quality of Life

Refractive surgery not only offers clear vision but also enhances your overall quality of life. Imagine the freedom of waking up and seeing the world around you without the need for corrective lenses. It's a transformation that brings joy and convenience to countless individuals.

Lasik Surgery: Precision and Accuracy for Clear Vision

Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis Lasik surgery is a highly advanced procedure that has revolutionized vision correction. This bladeless technique reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors, enabling you to experience clear vision without the dependency on glasses or contacts.

Unveiling a World of Clarity

Lasik surgery is a swift and virtually painless procedure that delivers rapid results. The precision of laser technology ensures accurate corneal reshaping, leading to improved visual acuity and reduced dependence on corrective eyewear.

Quick Recovery and Lasting Benefits

Thanks to its minimally invasive nature, Lasik surgery boasts a quick recovery period. Many patients experience improved vision within a day, with optimal results manifesting in the weeks following the surgery. Say goodbye to the hassle of glasses and contacts, and embrace a life of visual freedom.


  1. Is cataract surgery painful? Cataract surgery is generally painless due to the administration of local anesthesia. Most patients report minimal discomfort during and after the procedure.

  2. How long does it take to recover from refractive surgery? Recovery times vary, but many patients experience significant improvement within a few days. It's essential to follow your doctor's instructions for a smooth recovery.

  3. Am I a suitable candidate for Lasik surgery? Lasik candidacy depends on various factors, including your eye health and refractive error. A thorough evaluation by an ophthalmologist will determine if you're a suitable candidate.

  4. Are the results of refractive surgery permanent? Refractive surgery offers long-lasting results, but factors like age and eye health can impact your vision over time. Regular check-ups with your ophthalmologist help monitor any changes.

  5. What is the cost of cataract surgery? The cost of cataract surgery can vary based on factors like the type of intraocular lens chosen and the complexity of your case. A consultation with our experts will provide you with a tailored estimate.

  6. How can I schedule an appointment at Netradeep Eye Hospital? Scheduling an appointment is easy. You can book online through our website or give us a call, and our friendly staff will assist you in finding a suitable time.


Netradeep Best Eye Hospital stands as a beacon of excellence, driven by a commitment to the highest quality patient care and technological advancements. With a legacy built on trust, innovation, and global recognition, we are proud to serve patients from across the world. Whether you require cataract surgery, refractive surgery, or Lasik surgery, our experienced ophthalmologists are dedicated to helping you achieve optimal vision and a better quality of life.
