Understanding Anthralin

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ANTHRALIN reacts as a weak acid. Soluble in aqueous bases. May react with strong oxidizing agents. May be sensitive to light and moisture (NTP, 1992).

Yellow Crystalline SolidChEBI: An anthracene compound derived by the substitution of -OH groups for hydrogen at C-1 and C-8, and with an oxo group at C-9.Lemon-yellow leaflets or plates or an orange powder. Melting point 176-181°C. No odor or taste. Insoluble in water. Moderately toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. Used as a treatment for psoriasis.
Lemon-yellow leaflets or plates or an orange powder. Melting point 176-181°C. No odor or taste. Insoluble in water. Moderately toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. Used as a treatment for psoriasis.
Lemon-yellow leaflets or plates or an orange powder. Melting point 176-181°C. No odor or taste. Insoluble in water. Moderately toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption. Used as a treatment for psoriasis.|Anthralin is an anthracene compound derived by the substitution of -OH groups for hydrogen at C-1 and C-8 and with an oxo group at C-9. It has a role as an antipsoriatic. It derives from an anthrone. It is a tautomer of an anthracene-1,8,9-triol.|Anthralin (1,8‐dihydroxy‐9anthrone, dithranol) is an older anti-psoriatic agent that was first synthesized as a derivative of chrysarobin, obtained from the araroba tree in Brazil over 100 years ago. Adverse effects of anthralin include irritation and discoloration of the skin. This specific property of the molecule inspired workers to study the details of its pharmacology. It is important to consider that the drug is relatively innocuous, yet effective, and systemic side effects have not been observed with this anthralin, in contrast to a wide variety of systemic and topical therapies for psoriasis. Anthralin is also known as dithranol. It is a main active ingredient in topical skin formulations for the treatment of psoriasis. Various formulations of the drug are available, including solutions, foams, and shampoos. The chemical structure of anthralin allows for dual solubility, permitting the compound to be absorbed well through the epidermis. Anthralin has also been studied in the treatment of warts, showing promising results. Salicylic acid is frequently added to anthralin to augment the stability of anthralin and to increase its penetration and efficacy.|Anthralin is a natural anthraquinone derivative, anti-psoriatic and anti-inflammatory Anthralin (dithranol) controls skin growth by reducing DNA synthesis and mitotic activity in the hyperplastic epidermis, restoring a normal rate of cell proliferation and keratinization. Used topically in the treatment of psoriasis, dermatoses, and alopecia areata, it is also used in biomedical research due to its effect on EGFR autophosphorylation. (NCI04)|An anthracene derivative that disrupts MITOCHONDRIA function and structure and is used for the treatment of DERMATOSES, especially PSORIASIS. It may cause FOLLICULITIS.
Anthralin is administered topically. Although the extent of systemic absorption after the topical application has not been determined, no traces of anthraquinone metabolites were detected in the urine of treated subjects in a limited clinical study of anthralin cream, Anthralin does not inhibit hepatic microsomal enzyme activity.
