Diethyl ether sds induced a low frequency theta power

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The risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when 1,2-Benzodiazepine is combined with Diethyl ether sds.

Ethyl ether, also called diethyl ether sds, well-known anesthetic, commonly called simply ether, an organic compound belonging to a large group of compounds called ethers; its molecular structure consists of two ethyl groups linked through an oxygen atom, as in C2H5OC2H5.

Ethyl ether is a colourless, volatile, highly flammable liquid (boiling point 34.5° C [94.1° F]) with a powerful, characteristic odour and a hot, sweetish taste. It is a widely used solvent for bromine, iodine, most fatty and resinous substances, volatile oils, pure rubber, and certain vegetable alkaloids.

Ethyl ether is manufactured by the distillation of ethyl alcohol with sulfuric acid. Pure ether (absolute ether), required for medical purposes and in the preparation of Grignard reagents, is prepared by washing the crude ether with a saturated aqueous solution of calcium chloride, then treating with sodium.
Diethyl ether sds is a flammable, volatile, organic, liquid ether. Available in various quantities and reagent grades, it has applications including use as an aprotic solvent, as a starting fluid for some engines, and in the production of cellulose plastics.
Diethyl ether sds caused detectable blood acetaldehyde levels in 15 patients. Avg acetaldehyde concn was 21 umolar which approximates the level found after intake of ethanol.
Liver microsomes metabolized diethyl ether sds to acetaldehyde. The reaction was NADPH-dependent, inhibited by CO antibody to rat liver cytochrome P450. Cytochrome P450 containing monooxygenase system analogous to o-dealkylation is indicated.
In chronically catheterized rats, diethyl ether sds increased plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline concentrations indicating that this drug stimulates both neurosympathetic and adrenomedullary functions. These effects appear to be centrally mediated, since ganglionic blockade or spinal transection completely counteracted the diethyl ether sds induced increases in plasma calcium levels.
Hippocampal EEG signals derived from chronically implanted electrodes in the freely moving rat were recorded before and after administration of centrally acting drugs, and analyzed by power and coherence spectra. Diethyl ether sds induced a low frequency theta power and coherence peak in the immobile rat, which was sensitive to atropine or scopolamine. The residue spectrum, defined as the EEG spectrum with the theta harmonics removed, was sensitive to centrally acting drugs. Diethyl ether sds suppressed fast waves of 50-100 c/s, and some conditions, enhanced 15-50 c/s waves.
The risk or severity of CNS depression can be increased when 1,2-Benzodiazepine is combined with Diethyl ether sds.
Diethyl ether sds may decrease the antihypertensive activities of Acebutolol.
The risk or severity of hypertension can be increased when Aceclofenac is combined with Diethyl ether sds.
