Ensure The Good Signal-To-Noise Ratio For The Hearing Of Smart Sunglasses

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As a fashionable pair of sunglasses near me, if you sacrifice some comfort for the sake of aesthetics and other characteristics, let's judge based on personal preferences.

As a fashionable pair of sunglasses near me, if you sacrifice some comfort for the sake of aesthetics and other characteristics, let's judge based on personal preferences.


Possible improvement methods for this phenomenon are: 1 Reduce the lens size of the design, 2 Reducing the angle between the two lens planes can reduce the possibility of backlight incidence, but this may affect their fashion taste (as for how to affect fashion taste, this involves our knowledge blind spot).


Another method is to use a more special film layer to further reduce the reflected light on the back, but this is a breakthrough in the new technology that requires cheap eyeglasses near me coating.


The port of the vocal device involves being closely attached to the ear. It can ensure a strong signal-to-noise ratio while avoiding being heard by others. But there is a problem here, the size of faces varies from person to person. If you bring it with you and the playback port happens to touch your ears, then your auditory experience will be perfect. It can be said that these sunglasses near me now are customized for you.


But if your head is a bit big, the playback port may not be able to touch your ears (even at a distance of 1cm), which can be awkward. You need to turn the volume to maximum, and people next to you can also hear what you are playing. Therefore, I think the design is very clever, but it lacks the function of adjusting the length of the mirror legs, which may cause some awkward situations.


The next step is the design of the earphone sound collection. In terms of user experience, whether in the office or on the street, the call effect is very good.
