Concealed Void Lost Sector Location: Hidden Secrets

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Concealed Void Lost Sector Location: Hidden Secrets

Destiny 2 is a popular online multiplayer game with many hidden secrets and challenges for players to discover. One of these secrets is the Concealed Void Lost Sector on Europa. In this article, we will explore the concealed void lost sector location and provide a guide on completing it.


Concealed Void Lost Sector Location


Europa is a moon of Jupiter and the birthplace of the Exo Stranger. Destiny 2 is a frozen world with a unique landscape featuring icy plains and deep crevasses. The moon was introduced in the Beyond Light expansion and is home to various activities, including the Concealed Void Lost Sector. The environment of Europa provides a challenging and immersive experience for players, making it a popular destination for those seeking adventure and powerful gear.


Lost Sectors

Lost Sectors are hidden areas scattered throughout the various destinations in Destiny 2. They are denoted by a symbol of a cave on the map and are home to tough enemies and a boss, offering players the chance to earn valuable loot and rewards upon completion. Lost Sectors provide a solo or fire team challenge for players looking to test their skills and reap the benefits of their efforts.


Concealed Void Lost Sector Location

The Concealed Void Lost Sector is located in the Asterion Abyss area of Europa. Players should head to the Cadmus Ridge landing zone and the Asterion Abyss to access it. The entrance to the Lost Sector is marked by the familiar symbol of a cave, making it relatively easy to identify. Once inside, players will face various challenges, including formidable enemies and a powerful boss.


Enemies and Bosses

Various Fallen enemies, including Vandals, Dregs, and Captains, inhabit the Concealed Void Lost Sector. These foes present a significant challenge to players, especially when combined with the environmental hazards of the area. The boss of the Concealed Void Lost Sector is Kridis, the Dark Priestess, a formidable Fallen Captain who will test the skills and teamwork of any fireteam attempting to defeat her.


Loot and Rewards

Completing the Concealed Void Lost Sector allows players to earn valuable rewards, including weapons, armor, and upgrade materials. The specific rewards obtained will depend on the player's level and the difficulty of the Lost Sector. For those seeking to bolster their arsenal and increase their power, the Concealed Void Lost Sector presents a worthwhile challenge with the promise of significant rewards.


Tips and Strategies

Players should consider employing various strategies and tactics to overcome the challenges of the Concealed Void Lost Sector. This may include coordinating their fireteam's abilities, utilizing cover effectively, and focusing their firepower on priority targets. Additionally, players should be well-prepared with suitable weapons and armor to contend with the specific enemy types and combat modifiers found within the Lost Sector.



In conclusion, the Concealed Void Lost Sector Location is a demanding yet rewarding experience for players in Destiny 2. Players can confidently approach this challenge by understanding its location, the enemies and boss, and the potential loot and rewards. With the right preparation and a coordinated fire team, conquering the Concealed Void Lost Sector is well worth pursuing for any Guardian looking to test their mettle and claim valuable spoils.
