What is turpentine the most widely used paint

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Other names for turpentine are gum spirits, turps, gum thus, D.D. turpentine, wood turpentine, oil of turpentine, rectified turpentine oil, spirits of turpentine, sulfate wood turpentine, sulfate turpentine, gum turpentine, and steam-distilled turpentine.

Turpentine is a yellow-colored, sticky liquid that comes from pine gum or pine wood. What is Turpentine turns into a vapor very easily, and it can catch fire. Oil of turpentine is a colorless liquid with a very strong smell. Other names for turpentine are gum spirits, turps, gum thus, D.D. turpentine, wood turpentine, oil of turpentine, rectified turpentine oil, spirits of turpentine, sulfate wood turpentine, sulfate turpentine, gum turpentine, and steam-distilled turpentine.
Where can turpentine be found and how is it used?
In the past, What is turpentine the most widely used paint and varnish thinner. It was also used in printing, hair products and medicines. It is still used in some paints and coatings. Today, less costly products have replaced the use of turpentine in paints. Now, the major use of turpentine is as a raw material for the chemical industry.
It is also used for spray painting and pottery, ceramic coatings, artist’s paints and naval paints. Turpentine is sometimes found in shoe and furniture polishes. It is also used as a metal cleaner.
Compounds extracted from turpentine can be used for tires, plastics, adhesives, flavors, fragrances, makeup, paints and medicine.
How can people be exposed to turpentine?
People who work in pulp or paper factories may be exposed to turpentine. Exposure at work can also occur at places that make flavorings, fragrances, coatings, metal cleaners or solvents. At home, you can be exposed through food, personal care products, household products and medicine. Pine forests are sources of natural, low level exposure to turpentine since trees release terpenes into the air.
You could be exposed to turpentine through:
Breathing vapors at work or at home, such as when painting. Drinking turpentine in medicine. Accidental drinking of turpentine is unlikely.
Touching paint thinners or other products containing turpentine.
Eye Contact by splashing turpentine in the eyes.
How does turpentine work?
What is Turpentine easily taken into the intestines and the lungs. Some turpentine leaves the body when air is breathed out. The rest leaves the body in urine. It irritates the stomach and intestines and affects the nervous system.
How can turpentine affect my health?
Turpentine is poisonous if swallowed. Children and adults can die from drinking turpentine. Fortunately, turpentine causes taste and odor problems before reaching toxic levels in humans.
Turpentine is thought to be only mildly toxic when used according to manufacturers’ recommendations. It can pass through the skin. Some people develop an allergy to turpentine when exposed to it for a long time.
Turpentine exposure causes eye irritation, headache, dizziness and vomiting. Breathing or swallowing also causes kidney and bladder irritation.
How is turpentine poisoning treated?
There is no treatment for turpentine poisoning. A doctor will treat the symptoms. Medicine may be given if seizures occur. Pumping the stomach is only done if another poison has also been swallowed with the turpentine.
