7 Things to Know About Annual Health Check Ups

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When was the last time you had an annual check-up with your doctor? If you’re anything like me, it’s probably been longer than you’d care to admit

When was the last time you had an annual check-up with your doctor? If you’re anything like me, it’s probably been longer than you’d care to admit

We all take our health seriously when it gets complicated, right?

Well, I’m here to convince you to finally quit making excuses and schedule an appointment for that annual health checkup immediately. Because as boring as the whole process may seem, regular health check-ups are actually a really big deal when it comes to staying feeling your best. Here are 7 key things you need to know to deeply understand Why Annual Health Checkups Is Important.

1.They Establish an Important Baseline

One of the biggest benefits of getting an annual exam is that it gives your doctor a clear baseline for your overall health. Your provider will check all your vitals like height, weight, temperature, blood pressure, and more.
These metrics get documented in your medical file each year, which helps them identify any potential concerns or changes over time. It’s much easier to catch certain issues early when you have consistent data to compare against.

2.They Can Catch Issues Early

Getting an annual check-up allows your doctor to potentially catch any health issues or concerns early on before they progress into something more serious. Things like high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol or even early cancer signs can all be detected through those routine screenings and tests.

3.Your Medications Can Be Reviewed

If you’re taking any regular medications, your doctor can review them during your physical and make any adjustments if needed based on factors like changes in your age, weight, or any other conditions. This can help maximize the effectiveness while reducing potential side effects.

4. You Can Get Real About Health Habits and Goals

The annual checkup is the perfect time to get real with your doctor about your diet, exercise, sleep habits, alcohol/tobacco use and other everyday behaviours impacting your wellness.
Don’t stress if you know your lifestyle hasn’t been the healthiest lately - use this as an opportunity to get sincere advice and make a game plan for sustainable improvements you feel motivated about.

5.You Can Get Personalized Advice

This built-in one-on-one time with your doctor gives you the opportunity to bring up any health questions, issues or concerns you’ve had and get their professional, personalized advice catered specifically to your unique situation.

6.Your Doc Wants You to Ask Questions!

Going to the doctor’s office can sometimes feel like a scary situation where you’re just trying to get through it as quickly as possible. But remember - your physician is there to be your knowledgeable guide and advocate for better health.
Never hesitate to ask follow up questions, voice concerns you may have, or request more clarification around any recommendations. The more you communicate, the more personalized your care experience will be.

7 It Just Gives You Peace of Mind

At the end of the day, having that routine check-up gives you the peace of mind knowing that hopefully, any serious health issues can be ruled out or at least caught early. You’ll be able to walk out of the doctor’s office feeling reassured that you’re in good shape.

I get it - taking time out of your busy schedule to go sit in a doctor’s office may not be your idea of fun. But here’s the reality - your health really is your most valuable asset, plain and simple. Being proactive about having those annual physicals means investing in yourself and your quality of life for the long haul. Getting diagnosed with a serious medical condition is already hard enough - wouldn’t you rather catch anything before it even progresses to that point?


So please, do yourself a favour, and book that appointment or even simply make a call to understand Why Annual Health Checkups Is Important? And go get yourself checked out from head-to-toe once a year like clockwork.

Your future self will be thanking you for adding tons of healthy, happy years to your life. And just think of the smug satisfaction you’ll get to feel as you strut out of that office after a good report! Now that’s true self-care.
