Access to chemical products information is a global issue

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Access to chemicals in products information is a necessary condition to enable sound management of chemicals in everyday products, not only within manufacturing but also throughout the product’s life cycle.

Echemi Chemicals manufactures and supplies a wide range of petrochemical ‘building blocks’ to industrial customers in all parts of the world. Countless products that we all need and use every day in our homes, our cars, at work, or while we relax owe their beginnings to these key raw materials that we provide.

No matter where you are in your sustainability journey, Echemi Chemicals can help customise solutions to meet your needs at your own pace.
We create effective solutions for our customers all over the world. We will help you choose the best one for your company! Select the segment or industry you are interested in, or go directly to our products catalog.
One of the key elements of Echemi’s strategy is the dynamic development of the chemical products business division by utilising the potential of new market segments and diversifying the portfolio of raw materials and chemical products formulations in accordance with the current trends in various industries. Every day, our specialists work on the stable growth and development of their organisations, building up the strength of the PCC Group and, as a result, establishing a solid business platform for all contractors interested in reliable and long-term cooperation.
Chemistry is essential to modern life. From home and personal care products, to clothing and sports equipment, to automobiles and electronics, chemistry helps make possible thousands of products we rely on every day. And chemistry provides a range of important benefits in these products – thanks to innovations in chemistry, automobiles can be manufactured to be light weight and more fuel efficient, building materials are more durable and resilient, and electronics like cell phones, computers and televisions have enhanced functionality to meet the technology needs of today’s consumers.

Chemical products are important components in many of the products modern society uses and relies on. However, Chemicals of concern may be released at any stage of the product life cycle. resulting in potential exposures of humans and the environment, including from both newly produced products and products already present in society. Only a few of these chemicals are currently regulated or banned under the Basel, Stockholm and Minamata Conventions. These chemicals of concern are found in consumer products all over the world, resulting in the potential exposure of workers during manufacture, of consumers during use, of informal sectors involved in recycling and disposal with emphasis on women and children, and of the environment.

Access to chemical products information is a global issue. It requires collaboration on a worldwide scale, across stakeholder lines and through the entire life cycle. Sharing information on chemicals in products between all stakeholders involved in the lifecycle is important for protecting human health and the environment. However, few systems are developed to inform on what exactly is in the product. The lack of information on chemical products is one of the obstacles to achieving a reduction of risks from these chemicals. Access to chemicals in products information is a necessary condition to enable sound management of chemicals in everyday products, not only within manufacturing but also throughout the product’s life cycle.
