There Is More Than One Standard For Measuring How To Wear Eyeglasses

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Which myopia progresses slower, myopia cheap eyeglasses near me full correction or under-correction? Not wearing glasses for myopia itself is also a form of under-correction, just to varying degrees!

Which myopia progresses slower, myopia cheap eyeglasses near me full correction or under-correction? Not wearing glasses for myopia itself is also a form of under-correction, just to varying degrees!


There is a significant positive correlation between the under-correction of refractive errors and the progression of myopia, with the more undercorrected degrees, the greater the progression of myopia. In addition, the progression of myopia is significantly positively correlated with subjective refractive error, that is, under a certain amount of correction, the greater the refractive error of myopia, the greater the degree of myopia progression.


It is not possible to slow down the development of myopia by reducing the adjustment between the eyes or reading without glasses. From the perspective of myopia control, there is currently no convincing conclusion on the effect of different corrections of frame glasses (foot correction or under-correction, wearing glasses or not wearing glasses) and wearing glasses (continuous and intermittent wearing) on the progression of myopia.


However, there is no research supporting or suggesting that not wearing glasses or under-correction should be used as a strategy for myopia prevention and control! Most studies and mainstream medicine tend to favor uncorrected, undercorrected, and intermittent wearing (depending on the situation), which do not benefit myopia control.


From the perspective of myopia control, we are discussing how to wear the cheapest eyeglasses online, but there is more than one standard for measuring how to wear glasses! The concept of clarity and unclearly is a subjective feeling influenced by the eye imaging system, brain processing system, and living and working environment, with significant individual differences. This is also an important reason why there is no formula conversion relationship between myopia degree and naked-eye vision.
