If you are going to be performing random sampling inspections you should learn how to read the ANSI tables for inspectio

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The NSI table, also known as the equivalent table, is a type of data table that we will learn how to read in this video

The NSI table, also known as the equivalent table, is a type of data table that we will learn how to read in this video. Hello and welcome. It is actually an organization that publishes one of the standards that we will discuss in greater depth later on in this video, which we will introduce in this video. For the purpose of understanding the origin of these tables, which are based on commercial standards rather than military standards, only a passing familiarity with military standards, such as military standard 105 e, will be sufficient. Unfortunately, due to resource constraints, we are unable to check 100% of the batch all of the time. To determine if you are qualified for employment, we simply look over your 200 sofas (or the bullets in your gun, if you have one) and ask you a few questions.

The question then becomes, knowing that it will take a long time or that the samples will be destroyed, what is the optimal number of samples to examine. Using a fixed percentage, such as 10%, in this video is strongly discouraged, and instead, we recommend that you use photo statistics rather than fixed percentages. As a default, the standard severity and level will be used, as they are the most commonly encountered severity and level combinations. Furthermore, at this time, we will not be discussing any other types of settings in any depth. Following up on our previous statement, we stated that the first question to be answered was how many samples should be checked, and that the second question to be answered was what the rules were for accepting or rejecting batch after batch of goods.


In the industry, this is referred to as the acceptance inspections companies limit, or AQL, which stands for acceptance  limit. In order for the inspection to take place, both the suppliers and the buyers must come to an agreement beforehand. This is the format in which the game will be played. Chinese consumer goods are divided into three categories based on the cmm services assurance system (AQS) that they employ. When considering that critical defects can be classified into three categories, the major defect is 0. 2. 5% 4.0% different from the acre in the minor defect, which is acceptable in the vast majority of cases. an acre of land

Here's an illustration: consider the sentence below. By purchasing 40000 memory sticks, you will be able to take advantage of a single sampling plan, which will save you both time and money in the long run. Similarly to what was previously stated, the normal severity is level 2, and the acreage ranges between zero and four percent, depending on the severity level chosen. Major defects in electrical and electronic products are more likely to occur at a rate of 1.5% than at a rate of 2.5%, according to industry statistics.

A total of 5% of the total is set aside. This step is necessary in order to obtain the code letter; it is a simple procedure that can be completed in a short amount of time. Because you purchased 40000 pieces, according to this table, you were at level 2 during the time period covered by this table, which is represented by the letter n. It is a very straightforward procedure to follow. Because it is necessary to navigate to another table in order to obtain the sample size and aq8, the sample size will be n in the following step as a result of the previous step. Because of this, please accept our apologies, but your sample size is 500, as indicated by the code letter n.

  • The key defect, according to your subsequent statement, is 0%, and it is therefore unnecessary to calculate it all the way down to zero

  • While you can reject a key defect if you find up to 14 defects, you can accept a major defect if you find up to 14 defects

  • If you discover a minor flaw in the item, it will be returned to you

  • In the event that you discover 15 or more errors in the document, it will be automatically rejected from consideration

  • What, on the other hand, should we make of minor flaws

  • What should we call them

  • Given a pair of numbers between 21 and 22 in this group, the lower of the two numbers is accepted, whereas the higher of the two numbers is rejected (in this case, 21 or lower)


In this picture, why don't I use the first sampling plan that was mentioned earlier, the one that's directly above the arrow that indicates which sampling plan to use? What's the harm in trying? If you find an arrow, we should theoretically proceed to the next point and check if you have 315 samples, and if you do not find an arrow, we should proceed to the next point. In that case, however, we aren't technically in violation of the standard because the standard specifies that if there are different categories of nonconformities, they should be treated in the same manner as the categories of key primary and secondary defects, which is precisely what we do for those categories of nonconformities. For all categories of nonconformities, assuming that the maximum sample size is used for all categories of nonconformities, the final product will have 500 key primary and secondary defects, which is acceptable.

You came to the conclusion that you checked 500 samples and came to that conclusion, correct? If you discover no more than zero key defects, no more than 14 major defects, and no more than 21 secondary defects during your inspection, the results of your  are considered satisfactory. You discover that there are 17 major defects, which is one more than the maximum number of defects allowed. Because the experiment will be rejected even if the other findings are lower than the limit, it is necessary to be lower than all three of these limits at the same time in order to pass the examination. If you discover that everything is lower than the limit or within the limit, you have obtained results that are to your satisfaction. Assuming the buyer is dissatisfied with his or her purchase, the sale will be considered successful if there is only one minor defect found out of a total of 21 minor defects found out of a total of 21 minor defects. Consider using a double sampling plan to reproduce the same example while taking into consideration the possibility that the average quality inspection services is not particularly high.

It is our hope that this time around we will be a little more efficient in this straightforward process. Examine some of the most serious flaws in the system that have been identified. As a result, the code remains the same as long as you continue to purchase 40000 pieces and follow the instructions in 11 2. We can conclude that only the most serious defects are investigated as a result of this because the code remains the same later on. For the time being, let us assume that 1.

1. My 5% is the same as your 5% in every respect. This program, on the other hand, will provide you with a number of numbers to choose from. Unfortunately, this room is a little too large for everyone. Because you have zoomed in, you can see that the first 315 711 seconds are actually 315 1819 seconds rather than 315 711 seconds.

To be honest, I'm not sure what this means in terms of its figurative meaning. If there are seven or fewer of them among the 315 samples you choose, your sample is accepted; if there are eleven or more of them, your sample is rejected. There are situations in which the solution is obvious, and then there are situations in which the solution is a little more difficult to discern. You conduct a second sampling quality inspection services of 315 samples to determine whether the answer is 80 or 90, followed by a southward inspection of the samples to confirm the answer.

It is very clear in this particular instance that the restrictions are 18 and 19 years of age, respectively. Inspect the numbers 18 and 19 to ensure that they represent the total number of defects, which includes the first 215 samples you inspected, as I explained extensively earlier in this article. As a result, I hope you find it to be both informative and easily comprehendible. Those interested in reading more articles or watching more videos on the subject should visit my blog, Quality Inspection Organization, where you can find more information. Take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude for your assistance.
