The Elden Ring downloadable content provides players with the opportunity to rectify th

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The upcoming downloadable content for Elden Ring has the potential to address one of the game's most significant issues, which concerns the game's extensive selection of armor

The upcoming downloadable content for Elden Ring has the potential to address one of the game's most significant issues, which concerns the game's extensive selection of armor. In spite of its many accomplishments, the Elden Ring was not quite up to par when it came to armor customization. This aspect of the gameplay is a significant part of the role-playing game experience and can be found in the vast majority of other games in the genre. Without it, the Elden Ring appears to be lacking in a significant aspect of theElden Ring's Fashion Souls is an improvement over previous entries because it features a significantly larger list of armor pieces to obtain and even a way to modify those pieces. Thankfully, Shadow of the Erdtree may add some depth to this particular aspect. Elden Ring's Armor Alteration Is Pretty WeakThe Elden Ring's armor alteration feature is a nice addition, but it feels somewhat lacking. The Elden Ring's Armor Alteration Is Pretty Weak The Elden Ring's armor alteration feature is a nice addition, but it leaves much to be desired. Players are able to customize certain pieces of armor once they have obtained a sewing needle and tailoring tools. Unfortunately, the Elden Ring only employs armor alteration in a minor way, leaving much to be desired.
屏幕截图 2023-03-09 101118.png


It is a bit of a letdown for fans who were hoping to get deeper into customization, but Shadow of the Erdtree has the potential to be FromSoftware's biggest DLC yet, which could mean an expanded armor customisation system

1.  However, the majority of these customizations consist of taking off a cape that was attached to a chest piece or taking off a hood

2.  The insignificant adjustment to stats that came about as a consequence of this can be useful for certain builds that utilize the Elden Ring

3.  The current armor modification system is a good place to start, but the upcoming downloadable content for Elden Ring, Shadow of the Erdtree, could be the perfect opportunity to add more depth to the system

4.  Including additional aesthetic options for a given piece of armor is likely to prove to be the approach that offers the greatest degree of simplicity

5.  For instance, rather than simply removing a cape, it would be a wonderful addition to offer a selection of capes to choose from or to change the color of the capAs things stand, the majority of altered forms of armor have a significant negative impact on the stat value of a piece of armor, but in exchange for this drawback, they weigh significantly less

The addition of more armor appearances opens up the possibility of customizing individual armor pieces so that they are a better match for the player's physique. It is unreasonable to anticipate that the ability to change stats and proficiencies will be implemented in the near future.
