A Guide to Starting Over on Your Island in Animal Crossing Without Resetting the Game

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The desire to redo everything and begin the game anew is likely something that has crossed the minds of a great number of players who have logged a significant number of hours playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons

The desire to redo everything and begin the game anew is likely something that has crossed the minds of a great number of players who have logged a significant number of hours playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It is important to think carefully about whether or not you want to completely restart the game because doing so will result in the loss of all of your previous creations, items, villagers, and overall progress.

Because of this, some players have decided to undertake the task of completely redesigning their island, giving it a major facelift while maintaining their save file. If you have been thinking about giving your island a makeover, continue reading for information on how to get started as well as some useful advice to keep in mind.

Author: Quinton O'Connor Last modified: March 27, 2023 You know something, don't you? Animal Crossing: New Horizons simply will not give up its prominent position in the spotlight. Buy ACNH items possible that all of us had a premonition, going back three years and counting, that this would be a unique game, a game that would occupy players' thoughts for an entire generation. As a result, here we are, updating our previous New Horizons guides for 2023 and beyond in order to guarantee that you will receive the assistance you require in order to make your dream island a reality.

Get Rid Of The Island
When there is a lot of clutter on the floor of a room, it makes it difficult to clean the room, right? The same is true for each structure, item, and section of vegetation that can be discovered on your island. The best way to maximize the amount of space available for designing and terraforming is to begin by moving all of your buildings to the beach. Having the area free of clutter will make it easier to imagine what the finished product will look like.

It will take some time and patience to clear everything out, but during that time you can conduct research and make plans while moving one structure toward the beach each day.

Place All of Your Possessions Here.
Items, on the other hand, are blessedly much simpler to relocate than structures are, and they can be stashed away in your home until they are required once more. On the other hand, due to the increased number of items brought in from the outside, the storage space in your home may reach its maximum capacity.

Consider having a conversation with Tom Nook if you are playing a version of the game that is 1.6 or higher; doing so will allow you to increase the number of items that can be stored in your inventory from 1,600 to 2,400. This is especially helpful for people who have a passion for collecting every possible variation of various pieces of furniture or clothing.

Give Your Flowers to a Friend to Take Care Of
During your time on the island, you may have amassed a large collection of beautiful flowers, possibly even some rare hybrid flowers that required a significant amount of time to produce. Unfortunately, flowers cannot be stored, which has created a space problem for which there are two solutions (other than selling the flowers themselves).

Flowers can be grown on the beach, but they won't grow or reproduce in the sand there, and your beach will soon be covered with structures. However, you can plant flowers on the beach. The second option is to enlist the assistance of a friend and give them responsibility for your flowers until such time as your island is once again ready to bloom. It is possible that it will require a few trips back and forth, but in the long run, it will save a lot of headache.

Consider Your Vision
It's possible that you already have a fantastic concept in your head, but perhaps you wanted to start from scratch and build from there. In any event, it is a good idea to take the time to think about what will fill the acres of your island, as well as what objects, flora, colors, and pathways you will use to accomplish this goal.

You have the option to explore other islands by using Dream Suite, create a moodboard, or draw motivation from a real-world location such as Paris or Middle Earth. Because there are an infinite number of options, you should take as much time as you need to think of precisely what it is that you want.

Employ the use of a planning program.
When it comes to the complete redesign of an island, programs similar to these are an absolute godsend. Unquestionably helpful is the ability to get a glimpse of how something will turn out in the game without having to spend precious time or bells on the endeavor.

Check out bubble wand's Island Planner if you find that working in 3D space facilitates your productivity more. Try out Happy Island Designer if you're looking for a 2D planner with a top-down perspective.

Make your plans in advance with the help of patterns and paths.
You'll want everything to be in the right place, especially considering how difficult it can be to rearrange things, whether you're a stickler for symmetry or a fan of a more relaxed and natural vibe. When you factor in cliffs and water, the challenge only increases, and this is especially true when you consider the fact that certain restrictions govern how close buildings and buy ACNH items can be to cliffs and water.

If you want to avoid making any mistakes or running out of space in a particular area, a fantastic suggestion is to lay down paths or create custom design patterns on the ground in the area where you want your buildings or trees to go. After all, how aggravating would it be to move a structure, only to find out that you've misplaced it by one square and need to wait before you can try again?


Perform Terraforming Exercises Prior to Attempting
The process of terraforming can be complicated and time-consuming, but once you get the hang of it, it will feel as natural as moving your muscles. Learning how to construct double waterfalls and make curves in cliffs opens up a whole new world of creative possibilities.

Keep in mind that the types of fish you can reel in are determined by the bodies of water that are located on your island. Certain fish can only be found in clifftop rivers, while others can only be found in ponds. If your goal is to reel in each and every species of fish, you should make sure that your design incorporates rivers and ponds.

Have a place where the villagers can congregate.
This is a fantastic option to think about for the longer term. A large number of locals will congregate in the plaza of the Town Hall to engage in activities such as yoga, drinking, and other group pursuits. However, if you want the villagers to be able to interact with the furniture and objects in the game, you will need to place them in other locations so that they can enjoy them.

It's wonderful to have a restaurant or café, but your happiness might be dampened if no one from the village ever comes in. To assist the artificial intelligence in its progress, it is a good idea to consider making your areas accessible to villagers. Villagers have a proclivity toward favoring open areas or things that are simple to access, such as those that are located right outside their home or in expansive open spaces. They also enjoy lounging beneath trees, and it doesn't matter to them if there are plenty of chairs or benches nearby.

Make more of the things that bring you joy.
In the grand scheme of things, the ratings given to islands don't really matter all that much, especially if those ratings prevent you from visiting the island of your dreams. Forget the numbers, and ignore what everyone else is doing; focus instead on creating an island that you look forward to visiting again and again. Do you want a huge circus on its own island? Get ready to make a fool of yourself! Can't decide between paying tribute to a creepypasta or creating a kingdom from a fairytale? If you combine the two, you'll end up with an island that is truly one of a kind and remarkable.

Animal Crossing is about living a life that you choose; each game begins with the player striking out on their own to find a new home. The game's central theme is about living a life that you choose. The fact that real life can't always be how we want it to be is one of the reasons why simulation games like Animal Crossing are so special. In these games, we get a house that is completely ours, neighbors who are warm and funny, and a neighborhood that is secure and welcoming. If you personalize your island in any way, you can ensure that it will be breathtaking.
