Better Days Side Quest Guide - Diablo 4

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This guide provides information on where the Better Days Side Quest can be picked up, the objectives of the quest, maps, strategies, and tips, as well as, where applicable, information about pre-requisites and follow-up quests

This guide provides information on where the Better Days Side Quest can be picked up, the objectives of the quest, maps, strategies, and tips, as well as, where applicable, information about pre-requisites and follow-up quests. The Fractured Peaks zone can be found in Diablo IV.
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As a reward for completing side quests, you will receive increasing amounts of gold and experience, as well as an additional 20 points of renown for the area. D4 Items online is in your best interest to accept and complete as many of the available Side Quests in a given zone as you possibly can because some of them offer unique caches of valuable crafting materials or gear rewards. It is in your best interest to accept and complete as many Side Quests as you possibly can.

Please refer to our guide for a comprehensive overview of all of the optional quests that are currently available in Fractured Peaks:

Fractured Peaks-Related Side Quests and Other AdventuresBETTER DAYS QUICK FACTS IN DIABLO IVBetter DaysPresent Zalan Coste with the old and faded painting that you have.

This location can be found in both the Dobrev Taiga and the Fractured Peaks regions.

The discarded old painting that has seen better days serves as the initial objective of the quest.

The destination for the conclusion of the quest is Zalan Coste.

At a minimum, Level 1 is the level that's recommended.

It is necessary for you to complete Legacies of Lights Watch before you can proceed.

Which Results In: An Unwritten Ending




  • The Objectives for a Brighter TomorrowWhen you are adventuring in the wild outside of Margrave, you come across a magnificent painting

  • Why didn't he ask to see more historical documents, Zalan Coste

  • he's the historian, after all

  • An Exploration of the Joyous OccasionsFind the deteriorating old painting your first order of business

  • Following the conclusion of Legacies of Lights Watch, you will be able to appreciate the beauty of the Dobrev Taiga by taking a stroll through the area

  • If you take your time, search the pockets of several deceased bodies, loot several chests, and kill several different types of monsters, you will find a Faded Old Painting in one of the locations eventually

  • In the meantime, all you need to do is take in the scenery

Who do we know in the Margrave area who had a specific interest in historical artifacts and documents, and how did they acquire that interest? That's right, it's our longtime friend Zalan Coste; let's keep our fingers crossed for a speedy recovery on his part! The second thing you need to do is hand the painting over to Zalan Coste. You can return to Margrave, where Zalan is still standing, and say hello to him by teleporting back there using a waypoint, running, walking, skipping, or jumping there instead. If you were to show him the painting, he would be able to articulate the pessimistic outlook that the current culture of the Fractured Peaks has toward the artistic community.

Zalan, who is always interested in acquiring more information, expresses his gratitude to you and asks that you keep him in mind in the event that additional information regarding Margrave's history is discovered, whether it be on a decaying corpse or in a dusty dungeon chest. He also asks that you keep him in mind in the event that additional information regarding Margrave's history is discovered.

Ideas and Suggestions for Making the Most of the Good TimesIt might not be such a bad idea to make finding both of those things your goal at the same time if you want to find the painting while also finding the Altar of Lilith, which is roughly located in the middle of the Dobrev Taiga. If you want to find both of those things, you should make finding both of those things your goal at the same time. We have numbered it as number 25 in our rundown of the Altars of Lilith, which can be found here. Check out our walkthrough for the Unwritten End side quest to find out more about the next step in the chain of events that we are involved in with Zalan; we haven't quite finished our business with him yet.

Better Days RewardsThe reward for having a better day is twenty more Fractured Peaks. Renown, a quantity of gold and experience that is proportional to the level, as well as a Salvage Cache are all rewards for completing a Salvage Cache.

SIDE QUEST GUIDES BY ZONE FOR DIABLO IVIf you are interested in viewing a list of all of the side quests that are currently available, organized according to zone, please refer to these guides. At this point in time, the only information we have is pertaining to the Side Quests that are available in the Fractured Peaks zone. The amount of information that is included will grow as more data is collected and processed.
