How can I get started if I want to open a beauty supply store?

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If you are preparing to start operating and do not understand the professional knowledge of beauty, you need to find a trustworthy professional to manage your beauty supply store, start a business with you, or join a mature beauty salon brand.

How can I get started if I want to open a beauty supply store?
1、 Technology.
It is difficult for laypeople to run a beauty supply store well. It is best for creators to have professional beauty knowledge, understand beauty techniques and fingertips, and understand beauty products. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not rush to start a business. You can first study at a large beauty salon, obtain a beauty certificate, and understand general management and operation.
If you are preparing to start operating and do not understand the professional knowledge of beauty, you need to find a trustworthy professional to manage your beauty supply store, start a business with you, or join a mature beauty salon brand.
2、 Funding.
The scale of beauty salons can be large or small. However, the start-up capital for a small beauty supply store should be at least tens of thousands of yuan or more, including decoration, purchase, purchase of beauty equipment, rent, etc. A large beauty salon costs several hundred thousand yuan.
3、 Handle procedures.
To open a beauty supply store, one must apply for recognition from relevant government departments (such as the Industrial and commercial administration department, tax department, health department, etc.) by holding relevant certificates (such as a legal person identity certificate, real estate ticket, or lease contract, employment certificate, or basic or intermediate beauty certificate) from oneself and its employees. Analyze the volume of the volume in the conceptual design and obtain a business license with legal personality, necessary health department permits, and tax registration from the tax department. The general procedure is as follows.
Present your ID card, beauty supervision certificate or technical level certificate, employee (valid certificate), residential birth certificate, or rental contract to apply for a health permit from the local health administrative department.
Holding a health permit, ID card, property certificate (contract lease certificate), or other valid documents → Apply for a special industry license from the local public security organ.
Obtain a valid hygiene permit, special industry permit, ID card, and other documents from the local industrial and commercial administration department to apply for a business license for a beauty supply store or beauty salon.
