best open source database introduction

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Horizontally scalable. MySQL databases can accommodate massive workloads and accommodate increases in traffic.
Has many data types and character sets.
Support for large databases. MySQL can handle up to 50 million records, 200,000 tables, and 5 billion rows.
Has extensive cross


As your database environment continues to evolve, it can be challenging to keep up with all the solutions available. Open source databases are becoming increasingly popular, with over 90% of developers using at least one in their stack.

In this tutorial, we'll list 14 of the most popular open source databases and show their pros and cons to help you determine the best solution for your needs.
MySQL is the most famous and widely used open source database. As a relational database management system (RDBMS), MySQL structures data by organizing it into interconnected tables that users can access using SQL (Structured Query Language). The platform supports multiple storage engines such as InnoDB and MyISAM.

While it is possible to interact directly with a MySQL database using a standalone client, MySQL is more often part of a software stack, such as LAMP. Due to its popularity, MySQL is the RDBMS of choice for web applications that require a database, such as WordPress, Joomla, and phpBB.


Fast and reliable. Efficient data handling ensures consistency and fast access.
Ease of use.
Horizontally scalable. MySQL databases can accommodate massive workloads and accommodate increases in traffic.
Has many data types and character sets.
Support for large databases. MySQL can handle up to 50 million records, 200,000 tables, and 5 billion rows.
Has extensive cross-platform support best open source database

Inefficient when dealing with large databases. While it can handle large datasets, in more extreme cases, MySQL's performance may suffer.
Its debugging tools are underdeveloped.
In MySQL versions prior to 8.0.16, SQL for check constraints is not supported.
Data corruption is prone to occur.
