Some dietary supplements are touted as "nitric oxide boosters"

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Nitric oxide is an unstable molecule that rapidly degrades in the bloodstream, so it must be continuously replenished. One way to increase its stability and limit its decomposition is to consume antioxidants.

Nitric oxide is an unstable molecule that rapidly degrades in the bloodstream, so it must be continuously replenished. One way to increase its stability and limit its decomposition is to consume antioxidants.

Antioxidants are molecules that neutralize free radicals, which contribute to the short lifespan of nitric oxide.

These antioxidants are present in all foods, but mainly plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains.

Some important antioxidants include:

Vitamin C: This antioxidant helps your body form connective tissue, including skin, bones, tendons, and cartilage. It also produces brain chemicals that help nerve cells communicate.

Vitamin E: This antioxidant protects cells from the damage of free radicals, which are believed to lead to aging and disease. It also plays an important role in maintaining a strong immune system.

Polyphenols: These antioxidants are good for health, including reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Glutathione: known as the "mother of all antioxidants", glutathione is the main antioxidant and Antidote of every cell in the body.

Several studies have found that the intake of nitric oxide precursors, such as nitrate or Citrulline, together with antioxidants, helps to reduce the decomposition of nitric oxide (chemical formula of nitrogen monoxide) and maintain a high level of nitric oxide in the body.

Vegetables with high nitrate content are also rich in antioxidants, which may be why vegetables are so effective in increasing and maintaining optimal levels of nitric oxide.

Using nitric oxide supplements

Some dietary supplements are touted as "nitric oxide boosters".


These supplements themselves do not contain nitric oxide, but they contain components that help to form nitric oxide in the body.

Please remember that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not regulate supplements.

The two most commonly used components are l - arginine and l - Citrulline.


L - arginine is a conditional Essential amino acid, which means that it only needs to be taken from the diet under specific conditions, while healthy adults can produce all the amino acids they need.

It directly produces nitric oxide through a process called the l arginine no pathway.

Some studies support the use of L-arginine to increase blood flow, but are limited to specific populations.

For patients with hypertension, including pregnant women, l - arginine can effectively reduce blood pressure.

However, the evidence regarding the ability of L-arginine to improve blood flow or exercise performance in healthy individuals remains mixed.

It is generally believed that taking 30 grams of L-arginine per day is safe, but if the dosage is as low as 10 grams, it may cause digestive system symptoms.


L - Citrulline is an essential amino acid, which means your body can produce everything it needs.

When l - arginine is converted to nitric oxide, l - Citrulline is produced as a by-product.

L - Citrulline can be recycled into l - arginine to increase the body's natural production of nitric oxide.

In fact, l - Citrulline can improve the level of l - arginine in your body more than l - arginine supplement itself. This is because most L-arginine is broken down before it enters the bloodstream.

Studies have found that l - Citrulline can increase blood flow, improve exercise performance and reduce blood pressure.

L - Citrulline is considered to be relatively safe, and even at high doses, the risk of side effects is low.
