Indigo tends to be restored faster and more thoroughly in concentrated spaces

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The famous' indigo flower 'will appear in the vortex. Move the flowers aside before dyeing. You can also completely remove it, save it, and when you have finished dyeing, put it back in the big bucket. The flowers are indigo pigments, so they are easy to add back to the vat.

Check the recipe and see the size of the big bucket. Fill the pot with warm water (hot water is the best). Slowly fill and avoid adding air to the water. Add ingredients in the way specified in the recipe. Once your bucket is ready, gently stir it. Don't stir it, there should be no air in the liquid. Wait a few minutes before stirring. Repeat three to four times. The barrel will form a bronze colored surface. After stirring, wait for 10 to 20 minutes to allow the sediment to settle at the bottom of the barrel, and then dye.

The famous' indigo flower 'will appear in the vortex. Move the flowers aside before dyeing. You can also completely remove it, save it, and when you have finished dyeing, put it back in the big bucket. The flowers are indigo pigments, so they are easy to add back to the vat.

Hint - The Secret of the Launcher Solution

Sometimes it makes it easier for your big bucket to work, starting with a small container and then transferring to a full-size big bucket. A one liter (one quart) mason jar is the optimal size for making 'starter fluid'. In concentrated spaces, indigo tends to be restored faster and more thoroughly. Sometimes a startup solution can also be used to start or restore a dormant cylinder. If a Fermentation starter is recommended, we have mentioned it in the formula.

If Fermentation starter solution in organic vat is used, add the liquid used as reducing agent into Mason jar when it is hot. Add all the indigo needed in the formula and stir evenly. Then add half of the base material required in the recipe. The mason jar is your starting solution. Its interior should be yellow green, and its top should be copper blue.

The remaining half will be added to the warm water in the large bucket.

Gently immerse the glass bottle in the large bucket of water, so that you can transfer the contents of the jar without generating bubbles or adding air. Rinse the jar so that everything inside is in the jar.

Tip: Hydrated indigo (what is indigo)

Maiwa's indigo powder is finely ground and does not require separate addition of water, but if you are using thicker indigo powder, adding water first will help. Sometimes alcohol is used to replenish water, but we have found a fast and effective method, which is to use glass balls to replenish water. Simply fill a sturdy plastic container with 2/3 of marble (or smooth round stones). Add indigo powder and cover the glass ball with warm water. Shake vigorously for one minute. Indigo is now hydrated. Pour the hydrated indigo into the vat or Fermentation starter, and put the glass ball in the jar with the lid. Rotate a little water in the jar to wash away the remaining indigo.
