Mixing and Matching: Coordinating Your TV Unit with Existing Furniture

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Are you struggling to find the perfect TV unit that complements your existing furniture? You're not alone! Mixing and matching different styles can be a daunting task, but it's also an opportunity to showcase your unique style and personality.

Are you struggling to find the perfect TV unit that complements your existing furniture? You're not alone! Mixing and matching different styles can be a daunting task, but it's also an opportunity to showcase your unique style and personality. With a little guidance, you can create a cohesive look that effortlessly blends functionality with aesthetic appeal. In this blog post, we'll explore how to coordinate your TV unit with existing furniture while avoiding common pitfalls. Let's get started!

Why Should You Coordinate Your TV Unit with Existing Furniture?

Your TV unit is likely to be the focal point of your living room, and it should complement your existing furniture. When you coordinate these elements, you create a cohesive and inviting space that reflects your personal style while emphasizing functionality.

Matching your TV unit with other pieces in the room also helps avoid visual clutter and creates balance. It's easy for different styles to clash, overpower each other or make a room feel disjointed. By coordinating colors, textures and materials between different items in the living space, you can ensure everything feels harmonious.

Moreover, choosing furniture that works well together makes it easier to move around pieces when necessary without disrupting the entire aesthetic. You can quickly rearrange sections of your living area by introducing new pieces or swapping things out without worrying about whether they'll fit into the overall design scheme.

Coordinating your TV unit with other furniture brings a sense of unity to any space while allowing for flexibility when redecorating. So let's dive into how we can mix and match styles effectively!

How to Mix and Match Different Styles

Mixing and matching different furniture styles can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. The key is to find a balance between contrasting pieces that complement each other. One way to do this is by choosing one dominant style and incorporating elements of another style in small doses.

For example, if your existing furniture leans towards traditional, you could add a modern TV unit with clean lines or vice versa. Another option is to mix materials such as wood and metal or fabric and leather for an eclectic look.

When mixing patterns, stick to a color scheme that ties them together. Avoid using too many bold prints as they can overpower the space. Instead opt for subtle textures like woven fabrics or geometric shapes in muted tones.

Remember that less is often more when it comes to mixing styles so don't overdo it with too many conflicting pieces. A few carefully chosen items will create interest without overwhelming the room.

Don't forget about scale and proportion when selecting new pieces. A large TV unit may look out of place next to delicate antique furniture so consider balance when making your choices.

Mixing different furniture styles takes practice but once you get the hang of it, it can lead to some truly unique and personalized spaces!

What to Avoid When Mixing and Matching

When it comes to mixing and matching furniture, there are a few things you should avoid if you want to achieve a cohesive look. First and foremost, don't go overboard with patterns and textures. It's important to have some variety in your space, but too much can be overwhelming.

Another thing to avoid is trying to match everything exactly. While coordinating colors is important, having every piece of furniture in the same shade or style can make the room feel flat and uninspired.

It's also important not to overlook scale when mixing and matching. If all of your furniture pieces are similar in size or height, it can create a monotonous look that lacks visual interest.

Avoid buying everything at once just because they match or coordinate well together. Your home should reflect your personality and style so take time curating each piece as you find them along the way.

Don't forget about function over form! While aesthetics are important, practicality must always come first when designing any space within our homes - including TV units!

How to Get Started

When it comes to coordinating your TV unit with existing furniture, getting started can seem like a daunting task. But don't worry, with these simple steps you'll be on your way to creating a cohesive and stylish living space.

Take an inventory of the furniture pieces you already have in the room. Look for common themes such as color palette or design style that can guide your decision-making process when choosing a TV unit.

Next, consider the size and shape of both your existing furniture and potential TV units. Avoid overcrowding by selecting a unit that complements rather than overpowers the room's other furnishings.

Another factor to keep in mind is storage needs. If you have a lot of media equipment or accessories, look for a TV cabinet with ample shelving or cabinets to keep clutter at bay.

Don't be afraid to experiment! Mix and match different styles until you find the perfect combination that reflects your personal taste and creates an inviting atmosphere in your home.


Coordinating your TV unit with existing furniture can be a fun and creative way to enhance the overall look of your home. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can mix and match different styles while avoiding any design mistakes. Remember to consider factors such as color, texture, and proportion when choosing pieces for your living space.

By taking the time to carefully plan out your design scheme, you can create a cohesive and visually appealing room that reflects your personal style. So go ahead and let your creativity run wild as you transform your living space into a beautiful oasis that you will love spending time in!

