Jaipur Jewelry and Gemstone Industry

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Jaipur's Jewelry and Gemstone Industry Nourishing Gigantic Opportunities

The silver jewelry market of Jaipur is succeeding and providing extensive opportunities for growth. Silver jewelry has been a tack of international fashion trends for a longer period. Its rage can be attributed to its incredible ambiance, splendid gazes, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility, suiting any attire or occasion. Jaipur is an influential participant in the gemstone market all over the western region. According to the GJEPC, during the pandemic, between April 2021 and March 2022, Jaipur's Jewelry and gemstone exports grew by 35.29% and reached $273.79 million. The gem industry in Jaipur employs around 1.5 lakh employees and is one of the most significant hubs of occupation in India in this industry. The Indian Government has authorized 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the Gems and Jewelry sector, which means that the foreign investor or any Indian company does not need earlier authorization from the Reserve Bank or the Government of India.
