Magnesium phosphate gives magnesium chloride

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What happens when magnesium phosphate is mixed with water?
When treated with water, magnesium phosphate participates produces magnesium hydroxide and phosphoric acid as the products.

Magnesium Phosphate - Mg3(PO4)2
What is Magnesium Phosphate?
Magnesium Phosphate, Mg3(PO4)2 is an important mineral found in bones, in the seeds of many plants, and in a number of minerals. It is taken as a source of supplemental dietary magnesium. Tribasic magnesium phosphate may be prepared by the interaction of magnesium chloride or sulphate with the phosphate salt. The solution is easily prepared by agitating some salt with carbon dioxide-free water for several hours.

Other names – Trimagnesium diphosphate, Phosphoric acid magnesium salt
Chemical Properties of Magnesium Phosphate – Mg3(PO4)2
Magnesium Phosphate is a salt when treated with water forms phosphoric acid and magnesium hydroxide. The chemical equation is given below.
Mg3(PO4)2 + 6H2O → 2H3PO4 + 3Mg(OH)2

Magnesium Phosphate reacts with hydrochloric acid forms phosphoric acid and magnesium chloride.
Mg3(PO4)2 + 6HCl → 3MgCl2 + 2H3PO4

Uses of Magnesium Phosphate – Mg3(PO4)2
Used as a source for both magnesium and phosphorus. It is used in the minimal supplements.
Used in the prevention of vitamin E deficiency.
Used in foods at levels not to exceed current good manufacturing practice. The ingredient also may be used in infant formula.
Used as a nutrient, pH control agent and stabilizer.
What are the uses of magnesium phosphate?
Magnesium phosphate is widely used in medication in order to support the relaxation of muscles. This compound is also used to prevent the cramping of muscles. Magnesium phosphate is also used to prevent vitamin E deficiency.

What happens when magnesium phosphate is mixed with water?
When treated with water, magnesium phosphate participates produces magnesium hydroxide and phosphoric acid as the products.

How does magnesium phosphate react with hydrochloric acid?
When reacted with hydrochloric acid, magnesium phosphate gives magnesium chloride and phosphoric acid as the products.
Magnesium phosphate is a supplement indicated in the treatment of magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium Phosphate has about a quarter of the RDA of magnesium in each capsule, this is another general purpose magnesium supplement, with good bio availability. It also has the added benefit of about 18% of the RDA of phosphorus.

Magnesium is an essential nutrient with many functions in the human body:

It helps maintain energy and combat fatigue.
It helps build and maintain bones and teeth.
It contributes to the health of nerve, muscle and cell membranes.
It contributes to normal muscle function, including the heart.
It helps with protein manufacture.
It can help to keep some of the body's other mineral and hormone systems in balance.
Magnesium is readily available in a normal balanced diet. But for some people it may not be possible to source or absorb all the magnesium they need. Correcting a magnesium deficiency could reduce tiredness and fatigue, help to restore nerve and muscle function, and support the health of bones and teeth. One dose provides 99.4mg active magnesium.
