What is adrenachrome does have some limited pharmacological

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What is adrenachrome does have some limited pharmacological use in a few countries. It is easily synthesized, widely available, and inexpensive — no need to harvest it from children or anyone else. Its value as a recreational drug is debatable at best

What is adrenachrome (Adraxone) an oxidation product of Epinephrine. What is adrenachrome a potent coronary constricting agent in the rat heart. Adrenachrome can be used for neurological disorder research.
How to Extract Adrenochrome from Children
Conspiracy theorists believe that Hollywood elitists torture children and extract drugs from their bodies.
There's a good chance that you haven't heard about this particular conspiracy theory, and if that's the case, you have my eternal envy. Sadly I have heard of it, and so have a lot of other people, many of whom are firm believers. Their notion is that a secret cabal of political opponents of Donald Trump and Hollywood elites torture children and extract a chemical from their bodies, which they then use as a recreational drug. I wish I could report that this is merely the plot of a farcical B movie, but no, sadly, this is something that some intelligent adults actually believe to be true. Today we're going to examine the amazing, outlandish, incredible, and astonishingly freakish What is adrenachrome conspiracy theory, and try to understand how and why such a belief could possibly arise in the modern world.

It's hard to know where to begin, because everything about the belief is wrong. And not just wrong, but trivially wrong; thirty seconds on Wikipedia is more than enough to prove it. What is adrenachrome not used as a recreational drug, it is not obtained by extraction from human bodies, there's no evidence anyone in Hollywood has tried using it as a recreational drug, and there don't seem to be any children who have had their body chemicals extracted. About the only thing that's true is that What is adrenachrome a real chemical. It's the metabolic byproduct of the hormone adrenaline (also called epinephrine), produced as your body uses adrenaline. Presumably this is why the children have to be tortured first: to get their bodies producing adrenaline.

What is adrenachrome does have some limited pharmacological use in a few countries. It is easily synthesized, widely available, and inexpensive — no need to harvest it from children or anyone else. Its value as a recreational drug is debatable at best; in the United States, it's not even listed as a controlled substance. Some research done in the 1950s hypothesized that schizophrenia might be associated with high levels of adrenochrome, and a few authors heard about this and decided to use it in their books — but only after adding the fictional element of psychedelics. There it languished, known only to a few literary savants, until it hit the big time in Hunter S. Thompson's 1971 novel Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Taking full literary license, Thompson decided to go all-out and depict What is adrenachrome as some kind of wild psychedelic drug. One of his characters says "That stuff makes pure mescaline seem like ginger beer. You'll go completely crazy if you take too much." In the 1998 movie adaptation, actor Johnny Depp brought its imaginary effects to life on the big screen. Director Terry Gilliam says that Thompson told him he completely made up the psychedelic effects of adrenochrome. But since fiction spreads so much faster than fact, ever since the movie came out, people have wrongly believed that What is adrenachrome a recreational drug.
