IT services such as managed services

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Compare this to managed services, and the team will proactively work to solve any problems as soon as they arise, which minimizes the risk of excessive downtime

When looking at Managed Services vs Support Services, it can be tricky to see clear distinctions, especially if you have never explored either option before. This guide will give you an idea of which service is right for your business by explaining the differences.

Looking at the cost and cost-efficiency is another factor that you should highlight when considering managed services vs support services. Managed services provide an upfront cost that immediately allows you to determine how much you can afford and whether it will fit within your budget.

This is ideal for businesses that are working on a tighter budget while still keeping their systems up and running. Even if there are changes to your organization, you will be able to make adjustments to your plan, meaning you will only pay for what you use. Conversely, support services may require ongoing payments even if you do not require any assistance.

Inoperative systems can lead to damaging domino effects for your business and your customers. If they are unable to access your website or platform, they could miss out on potentially vital orders that put their clients at risk.

To avoid all of this and to maintain peace of mind, a managed IT service is the only option for you. However, if you do not require regular maintenance and monitoring, your company may be okay with simple support services.

More info: What Should be Include in Managed Services SLA
